Autodesk Homestyler

因为工作的关系,常常要留意Autodesk 的website.
给我无意中发现这个free的software, Autodesk Homestyler,就试试看用,render出来的效果还不错,灯光还蛮柔和。
Due to my work, I need to always go to check the update from Autodesk website. I found this free website while I browsing this website, Autodesk Homestyler. I tried on this software, the outcome not bad, render quality and lighting not bad. 因为即将拥有一间私人的工作室,就试试看design咯。 I will have my own studio very soon, so I try to design on it.
在这software里,有library,但是不多,选择不多,但是对于不熟悉3D software的朋友,这反而很好用。



There are library in this software, but not much choices.

But for those who do not familiar with 3D software, this is very user friendly!!

You shall try on this!

But due to it is online, please make sure you line is stable.

Happy trying!